Unassailable Fit & Forget Pressure Moulded Cable Systems for Hostile Environments

Electric Vehicles

Close up of car charging

Robust and reliable connectivity solutions

Low carbon technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs) require robust and reliable connectivity infrastructure.

EV charging cables – sockets, connectors, leads, chargers and testers – are becoming a commodity. However, when these are used for long term installation or remote and hostile locations, a solution that delivers long term reliability is called for.

For vehicles, Type 1 sockets and plugs – SAE J1772 along with Type 2 sockets and plugs – IEC 62196 with a variety of current options from 16 to 70amps. Other options include with/without cable, custom cable colours, Socket dust caps and hinged flaps. Cable assemblies of Type 1 to Type 2 plugs.

Larger scale charging schemes with high power feeders and battery connections can also be supported.

Electric Vehicle Connector Chargers