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Women in Defence

Scientific Management International is proud to be a signatory to the Women in Defence Charter.

Women in Defence Charter logo

The Women in Defence Charter was launched in recognition that more needs to be done to improve gender balance in the defence enterprise. Signatories commit to enabling women to thrive, enhancing the individual and collective impact of women across defence and in doing so, improving the overall output of the sector.

It is well documented that a balanced workforce is good for business, customers and consumers, profitability and workplace culture – so the Women in Defence Charter brings together organisations from across the UK’s defence sector to achieve that goal.

SMI employee Annabel during a working day at SMI

By being a signatory we commit to:

  • Nominating a member of the Board to be responsible for gender diversity and inclusion
  • Setting internal targets for gender diversity in senior management
  • Publishing progress annually against any targets
  • Having an intention to ensure that the objectives of senior managers are based on the delivery of targets for gender inclusion and diversity

Our target is to reach a minimum of 30% female representation at all levels within SMI Ltd by 2030.

Our progress over the past 3 years:

Gender split 3 yr history
representation by level

We are proud that we are now exceeding our target at both the Board level and in the non-management population. Our focus area for the future will be ensuring we enable more female workers to move into management and supervisory roles across the team.

We have already implemented a number of initiatives and employee benefits including flexible shifts, hybrid working (where possible) and holiday purchase schemes. As well as discounts for holiday childcare and ongoing we will continue to look at ways to support women into leadership roles.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.